Sistemi Galleggianti
The art of playing Water Polo


The “Beach Waterpolo” was born from an idea of Gualtiero Parisio who founded the Waterpolo Association Pallanuoto Sempre and organized national and international summer championships.

Over the time the association had to face a problem concerning with the dimension of the Water Polo goals; these were often built by important foreign companies and they were very expensive and not suitable for the Beach Waterpolo. Vittorio Ercolano, a representative person of “Pallanuoto Sempre”, in order to solve the question, had a very original idea, typical of the so-called Neapolitan Genius: that is to self-build the Water Polo goals. He invented, almost for fun, removable Water Polo goals, which proved to be very effective.

Over the time the Beach Waterpolo was widespread in all Europe, Asia, Africa and in other parts of the world where the Beach Waterpolo goals and the fields, built by the artisan Company “Sistemi Galleggianti” of Vittorio Ercolano, were increasingly and successfully sent.

Our message is not a mere, hidden advertising. It has been sending to all companies which need to use a Water Polo goals or to change the existing one: a high quality product at a value price.


From (Italian version): waterpoloitaly